2016 Hammerdown Brewcup Recap

The road to Hammerdown Brewcup was paved in beer. Circle City Zymurgy made a few stops along the way to the competition. MadTree Brewing, Listermann Brewing Company, Braxton Brewing Company, and a victory lap back at Listermann Brewing before ending the night at Skyline :).

We had an awesome time, and were able to lock down three awards this go round. Altogether CCZ entered 13 beers into the competition. Jenn Myers placed 1st in Belgian Strong Ales for her Belgian Golden Strong “Hoge Vennen”, Steve Kent place 2nd in Smoke-Flavored and Wood Aged Beer for his Rauchbier “Bamberger Helper”, and Erik Howell took 2nd in the Sour Ale category for his Straight Unblended Lambic “Circle City Zymurgy Lambic.” The Hammerdown Brewcup results can be found here.
